Min Hong Gong Fu 閩紅工夫
In Chinese lanuage, 'Min' means Fujian provience and Min Hong Gong Fu is the series black teas which include 3 kinds of Fujian traditonal black tea : Tan Yang Gong Fu black tea, Bai Lin Gong Fu black tea and Zhenghe Gong Fu black tea, these three teas are the tipical Fujian black teas and all can be found in Bestitea's online store and they have very good quality as they are all well chosed strictely by us and, of course, very tasteful.
Min Hong Gong fu teas are sweet, very stylish, slightly floral, slightly fruity, slightly malty, tippy black teas. These three teas are historic and important teas and are made in Fuan county, Fuding county and Zhenghe county, the same places where authentic Fujian white tea is made. In fact, some of these teas are made with the large leaf Da Bai cultivar that is used to make white tea, and also from a small leaf cultivar named Xiao Ye Zhong.
Min Hong teas were among the first black teas made in China, and Western tea drinkers would have known these teas (or a similar, earlier version) by the late 17th century. Other historic teas made in this area fell out of production in the 20th century, but these superb teas remain in manufacture today.